Our vision an Australian community free of the stigma and restrictions of all aspects of incontinence across the lifespan.
Continence Health Australia (formerly Continence Foundation of Australia) is a not-for-profit organisation and the national peak body for incontinence prevention, management, education, awareness, information and advocacy. With representation in each state and territory, we provide information, support and resources for individuals, carers and professionals.
our purpose
Eliminate the stigma and restrictions of all aspects of incontinence through research, advocacy, solutions, consumer education and professional development.
We will fulfil our vision and purpose and make a difference by conducting ourselves with:
We are responsible for our individual and team actions and behaviours, and the outcomes they produce.
We will respect each person within our organisation and all external individuals and stakeholders.
We will act with integrity and be open and honest, within our teams and the organisation, and when dealing with all external individuals and stakeholders.
There are no barriers to engagement and participation, no one is excluded, and diversity is celebrated.
Our organisation relies on financial support from the Australian Government Department of Health under the National Continence Program. We also rely on the generous support of our members and corporate partners to carry out our work.
Any donation is welcome and gratefully received. All gifts $2 and over are tax deductible. Make a donation today.
From humble beginnings, Continence Health Australia (formerly Continence Foundation of Australia) has grown into the national peak body for bladder and bowel health in Australia.
- The National Task Force on Incontinence (NTFI) was established to promote incontinence as a major health issue in the Australian community.
- Five-year grant from the Australian Government’s Department of Community Services enabled the establishment of the National Continence Secretariat (NCS). Following consultation and liaison with the emerging State Continence Promotion Groups, a Constitution was developed.
- The first National Conference on Incontinence was held in Melbourne.
- Continence Foundation of Australia was incorporated on 31 October and the inaugural Board elected with David Fonda as its Foundation President.
- The Continence Foundation of Australia was officially launched at the second National Conference on Incontinence in Sydney in November.
- Australian & New Zealand Continence Journal launched for Continence Foundation of Australia and New Zealand Continence Association members.
- The establishment of the Australian Government’s National Continence Management Strategy (NCMS) with $15.4 million allocated over four years for promotion, research and service development projects to be delivered by the Foundation.
- National office located within the NorthWest Hospital, in the inner Melbourne suburb of Parkville. Staff consisted of a full-time CEO and part-time personal assistant.
- Launched the National Continence Helpline in September.
- Established a grants program to encourage innovation in the care, treatment, prevention and provision of information.
- Achieved national peak body status.
- $16 million allocated under the NCMS for a further four years' funding for the Foundation to establish projects addressing prevention, community education and improved management by health professionals.
- Barry Cahill appointed as CEO. The Foundation’s National Office consisted of eight full-time and three part-time staff.
- First website launched www.continence.org.au.
- First Carer of the Year Award.
- Established the Foundation’s Consumer Advisory Committee.
- The NCMS supported more than 120 projects in its first eight years.
- Another four-year funding grant of $18.2 million to continue to support the work of the NCMS delivered by the Foundation with a focus on continence awareness, management and treatment across all life stages.
- Everybody’s Business education forums for consumers and health professionals launched.
- National Conference on Incontinence in Adelaide attracted 590 health professional delegates.
- Australian Government replaces the NMCS with the National Continence Program 2011-2014.
- Continence Awareness Week focused on carers.
- National Continence Helpline received 26,000 calls for help.
- The Foundation released the Deloitte Access Economics Report on the Economic Impact of Incontinence which stated that 4.2 million Australians over 15 years of age live with incontinence.
- 99,489 copies of the quarterly consumer Bridge Magazine distributed.
- 23 scholarships awarded to health professionals.
- Australian Government extended funding of the Foundation to 2020 under the National Continence Program.
- Rowan Cockerell appointed as CEO.
- Launched Pelvic Floor First to encourage safe pelvic health exercise.
- Continence Support Now website launched for aged care and disability support workers.
- Incontinence in Confidence website launched for adolescents with bladder and bowel concerns.
- National Office moved to Melbourne’s Surrey Hills.
- Achieved 1,132 media stories to an audience of over 215 million.
- Dr Gian Sberna appointed as CEO.
- Jim Cooper appointed as interim CEO
- Continence Foundation of Australia name changed to Continence Health Australia
Today, incontinence is recognised as an important health issue that significantly affects the health and quality of life of over 5 million Australians across all age groups.
For more information contact us.