On this page

Why do we need clinical content reviewers?
What is a clinical content reviewer?
Why become a clinical content reviewer?
Eligibility criteria and term
How do I become a clinical content reviewer?

Why do we need clinical content reviewers?

The Continence Foundation of Australia is seeking expressions of interest from subject matter specialists to review consumer and clinical content for its resources and learning modules. We have a pool of clinical content reviewers to ensure all published content reflects current evidence-based best practice, is available in accessible formats, and meets the learning and information needs of the designated target groups.

What is a clinical content reviewer?

A  clinical content reviewer is a specialist in their clinical field who is able to objectively review clinical and scientific content and provide feedback on accuracy, currency and appropriateness for varying levels of education and awareness relating to bladder and bowel control.

Why become a clinical content reviewer?

This is a professional  opportunity to ensure the discipline you have specialised in:

  • is appropriately conveyed, with the support of evidence, in the supplied material, and
  • incorporates best practice advice that is appropriate to the identified audience.

As a clinical content reviewer, your contribution plays a significant role in ensuring we deliver evidence-based best practice quality content to consumers and healthcare professionals alike. Many healthcare professionals appreciate having these resources and learning module materials and use them to support their clients and further their knowledge on the subject matter. Similarly, consumers appreciate having access to these resources and feel empowered in their journey. 

Eligibility criteria and term

Join us if you are a clinician:

  • Registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) or, if retired, are not more than three years out of clinical practice

  • Have at least three years’ experience working within the continence field

  • Have discipline-specific expertise.

The term of a reviewer is two years upon application. Reviewers will be invited to extend the tenure every two years.  

How do I become a clinical content reviewer?

To apply to become a clinical content reviewer, please complete the Reviewer Registration Form to register your interest in participating.  

If you have further questions, please contact our health promotion team.

Email [email protected] 



Last Updated: Wed 31, Jul 2024
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020