Donate to the Continence Foundation of Australia

Even a $5 donation helps one of our nurses to speak to someone like Mary:

Imagine Mary, a vibrant woman in her late sixties, once filled with energy and independence. Recently, unexpected challenges have crept into her life. Simple acts like going to the toilet or leaving the house have become increasingly daunting. The fear of accidents and embarrassment has isolated her, casting a shadow over her days.

Then she discovered our National Continence Helpline. Speaking to a compassionate nurse felt like a lifeline. The understanding, practical advice, and reassurance she received were invaluable. With newfound confidence, Mary is reclaiming her life. She's rediscovering the joy of social gatherings and the freedom to pursue her hobbies.

Your $5 donation can be the difference between someone feeling isolated and empowered. It helps fund our helpline, ensuring that more people like Mary receive the support they need to live life to the fullest.

Donate $5 to the Continence Foundation

Your donation can help fund some of the important initiatives at the Continence Foundation of Australia, including:

The National Continence Helpline – 1800 33 00 66

Your donation can help fund the National Continence Helpline, ensuring people can access free and confidential information when they need it.

The National Continence Helpline reached 16,745 Australian's in need in 23-24
  • There were 19,249 contacts made to the National Continence Helpline between July 2023 to June 2024 resulting in 16,745 unique enquiries.
  • The most common reason for calling the Helpline was for financial assistance followed by a clinical issue, which was most often a bladder issue followed by a bowel issue.
  • The most common advice given by the Helpline was conservative management, which particularly included advice on diet, fluids and pelvic floor exercise, followed by advice on financial assistance.

Discover the difference the National Continence Helpline is making to Australians
  • "It was really uplifting and comforting talking to you earlier this afternoon, you really lifted my confidence and belief for the better health through my own efforts and beliefs."
  • "I am much improved already, after trying some of your suggestions and only got up once last night. I am really impressed with your input!"
  • "Thank you for our lovely conversation this morning. I was initially quite embarrassed about discussing my condition with you, but you were warm , practical, to the point and immensely helpful. You put me at my ease straight away without being condescending or patronising. For that I am grateful."

Free and accessible resources

Your donation can help all Australians access the latest information about preventing and treating incontinence.

Training for health professionals

Your donation can help to cover the cost of developing new training modules and educational events, ensuring health professionals have the capability and capacity to support those experiencing incontinence.

The Continence Foundation of Australia is a not-for-profit organisation and the national peak body for incontinence prevention, management, education, awareness, information and advocacy. With representation in each state and territory, we provide information, support and resources for individuals, carers and professionals.

Our vision an Australian community free of the stigma and restrictions of all aspects of incontinence across the lifespan.

Your donation will support the Foundation to conduct research, raise awareness, build the sector’s workforce capability, offer a free and confidential helpline, advocate for policy change and more.

Please donate $5 today and help shine a light on the condition that impacts one in four Australians.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. A receipt will be emailed to you.


Last Updated: Thu 08, Aug 2024
Last Reviewed: Mon 30, Mar 2020