Elizabeth Compton
Elizabeth has extensive experience as a Board Director and senior executive, with 25 years’ experience working in London, Amsterdam, New York and in Australia. She is a Non-Executive Director (NED) of Southern Cross Care (SA, NT, VIC) a large, aged care/retirement living and home care organisation, Chair and member of the People & Culture Committee (2,800 staff) and member of the Board Asset Management Committee ($1B assets and $200M revenue). Elizabeth is also a NED of RMIT Training. Prior to this she was CEO for six years at LanguageLoop (a service offering interpreting and language services across 190+ languages with 3,000 interpreters), major clients included the Department of Health and Human Services, Aged Care, Bolton Clarke, major hospitals and community health organisations.
She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and holds an Executive Leadership Certificate from Harvard Business School, MA in International and European Relations and a BA in Psychology and Sociology.

Lesley Barton
Lesley Barton has always had a passion for effective and preventative continence management and has been actively involved over the years in state-based Continence Health Australia committees in a variety of roles. Lesley has worked as workplace assessor, gained qualifications in quality management, auditing and risk assessment, Education, Program Design and Governance within Aged Care. Lesley remains committed to the future growth and further development of the Continence Health Australia.

Celia Bolton
Celia Bolton has been working as a continence and pelvic health physiotherapist since 1996. She is the founding Director of the multidisciplinary private practice Innerstrength Healthcare in Geelong. Celia has been a member of Continence Health Australia since 1999 and served on the CFA Physiotherapy Group (Victoria) committee for eight years. Her interest in neuroscience, trauma and teaching meditation informs and broadens her outlook on continence prevention and management.

Professor Rosemary Calder AM
A founding member of Continence Health Australia, Professor Rosemary Calder has worked in health and aged care policy and services in the non-government sector and held senior executive roles in both Victorian and Commonwealth health departments. She is Professor of Health Policy and the Director of the Australian Health Policy Collaboration at the Mitchell Institute, an education and health policy think tank established by Victoria University.

Jacinta Crickmore
Jacinta Crickmore first gained valuable insights on incontinence issues faced by consumers from her work in healthcare sales with SCA Hygiene. She became the company’s Queensland representative and an active member of Continence Health Australia’s Queensland Branch, of which she was secretary for five years. In 2014, Jacinta became a member of Continence Health Australia’s Consumer Advisory Committee, which she currently chairs. In 2015, she was appointed as a consumer representative on the Board and the Bladder Bowel Collaborative Steering Committee.

Kate Moore
Professor Kate Moore, urogynaecologist, has been a member of Continence Health Australia since 1991, and was editor of the Continence Journal of Australia 1997-2001. She established the Pelvic Floor Unit at St George Hospital/ University of New South Wales in 1992, a regional referral Unit for urinary and faecal incontinence. Her main research interest are the aetiology/management of urge incontinence/ detrusor overactivity, and conservative therapy of stress incontinence (148 peer reviewed publications). Continence promotion is a longstanding passion.
As founding Deputy Chairman of the St George Medical Research Foundation (2007 -2024), she has completed training with the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Claire Richards
Claire Richards is a Partner at KPMG with a broad range of risk, governance, compliance, assurance and audit experience. Finding her passion to be in healthcare and government, Claire provides advice to organisations operating in health, ageing, disability, human services, justice and higher education sectors, focusing on safeguarding integrity and the community’s trust in the outcomes that these organisations deliver.

Dr Kathryn Sloots
Dr Kathryn Sloots is a Registered Nurse with a science degree and PhD who has worked for 18 years in the areas of bowel and bladder continence (including anorectal biofeedback, urodynamics, research and education). She has published several papers on bowel continence and presented at continence conferences. Kathryn is passionate about promoting bowel and bladder continence, increasing awareness and information for health professionals and the public, and improving access to continence care.

Lisa Wragg
Lisa is the current President of the Continence Nurses Society Australia (CoNSA). Lisa has long advocated for consumers who live with incontinence to ensure their access to high quality continence assessments and management services align with best practice and are not compromised.
Lisa’s combination of clinical expertise along with past and present executive board experience and business acumen provide her with robust experience to actively contribute to the growth and sustainability of Continence Health Australia.
Felicity Maddern
Company Secretary
Felicity joined Continence Health Australia as joint Company Secretary in early 2024. She currently works in governance, corporate compliance and risk management within the government sector, having worked in both local and state government bodies. In these roles Felicity has, and continues to, provide support and advice to a range of committees and bodies.