On this page

What is the Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC)?

What does the CAC do?

Who are the current CAC members?

What is the Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC)?

The CAC is the Continence Foundation of Australia’s consumer advisory committee. It aims to provide consumers and the community with a voice in the Foundation’s strategic decision-making.

What does the Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) do?

The CAC provides consumer information, direction and advocacy for the Foundation’s planning and service delivery.

Read more for details on the CAC’s responsibilities and membership

Who are the current Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) members?

The current CAC members include:

Jacinta Crickmore – Chair

Alan White

Dr Bethia Wilson AM

Kathy Sloots

Audrey Burgin

Margaret Bambrick

Leanne Murphy

Christin Young 



Last Updated: Wed 19, Jun 2024
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020