This webinar is designed for anyone working in the community or residential age care setting. It will look at the importance of older people maintaining their continence and how you can assist them to do that. The webinar will look at identifying risk factors and the strategies to try when assisting your clients who may be at risk.
Margaret Sherburn B.App.Sc (Physio), M.Womens.Health, PhD, FACP
Margaret is a senior lecturer in the Physiotherapy Department at the University of Melbourne. Her main areas of research and clinical practice are the conservative management of pelvic floor dysfunction in women with pelvic pain, prolapse or incontinence, the use of real-time ultrasound as a rehabilitation and measurement tool, and the role of exercise for women. She is a Continence and Women’s Health Specialist Physiotherapist, a Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists, is immediate past Editor of the Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal and currently on the Journal’s Editorial Review Committee.
Joanne Dean
Joanne is an endorsed nurse practitioner whose scope of practice includes aged care and continence. She has over 25 years experience in continence assessment and management of adults and children with bladder/bowel dysfunction. She has worked across multiple areas of practice including acute, extended care, residential and community care in both rural and metropolitan settings in clinical and leadership roles.
Joanne holds a Graduate Diploma in Gerontic Nursing, Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) and graduate certificates in Continence Nursing, Prostate Cancer Nursing and Spinal Cord Injuries Nursing.
Joanne is the current president of the Continence Nurses’ Society of Australia (CoNSA) which represents the interests of continence nurses nationally. She is also a current member of the International Continence Society nursing committee.
Joanne is employed by the Continence Foundation of Australia as the clinical lead and as a Nurse Practitioner in Aged Care by Prestantia Health in Canberra.