The Continence Foundation of Australia is hosting a free online panel discussion this Tuesday 27 July: A post Aged Care Royal Commission review on improving continence care.

The most recent data reveals 75% to 81% of residential aged care residents experience incontinence. 

Improper continence care can have serious health impacts for older people, including increased risk of falls, depression, urinary tract infections (UTIs), pressure injuries, and acceleration of functional decline. 

With years of combined experience, the expert panel will empower aged care staff and leaders to strive for best-practice continence care.   

Screen shot of Michael Murray and Dr Joan Ostaszkiewicz speaking at the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
Panel speakers Associate Professor Michael Murray AM and Dr Joan Ostaszkiewicz were invited to provide evidence on continence care to the Aged Care Royal Commission in 2019.

As an attendee, you will be able to pose specific questions about improving continence care in your aged care facility or workplace. 

CEO of the Continence Foundation of Australia, Mrs Rowan Cockerell says, “We are proud to host passionate and experienced speakers to discuss the future of continence care after the findings of the Royal Commission.”

“Incontinence and improper continence care in aged care is a critical issue and one that has unfortunately been enduring. Staff training, investment and awareness is needed to ensure every person accessing aged care services receives safe and effective continence care."

Register online now to join us on Tuesday 25 May at 6:30pm AEST. 

who is affected

  • Over 5 million Australians – 1 in 4 people aged 15 years or over – experience bladder or bowel control problems1 
  • 30% of the total government residential aged care subsidy is used for people who need assistance with incontinence and toileting2
  • By 2030 over 6.2 million Australians will be affected by incontinence1
  • The number of people in residential aged care with incontinence is expected to almost double from 129,000 to over 250,000 during this same period.1

Meet the speakers

Beth Wilson smilingBeth Wilson AM will share a consumer perspective to finding residential care with suitable continence practice

Beth Wilson was Victoria’s Health Services Commissioner May 1997 until December 2012. She is a lawyer by training and has had a long-standing interest in medico/legal and ethical issues. 

Beth is currently a Legal Member, Mental Health Tribunal, Victoria and Patron for the Continence Foundation of Australia, The Satellite Foundation and Board Member of WildatHeart Community Arts. Beth is a public speaker providing seminars, lectures and classes for consumers, carers, health service providers, business and others. 


Michael Murray headshotAssociate Professor Michael Murray AM will speak on the Continence Foundation’s submission to the commission and expectations of levels of continence care

Michael Murray is a Geriatrician and Chair of the Continence Foundation of Australia. As the Divisional Medical Director of Continued Care, Head of Geriatric Medicine and Medical Lead of Patient Flow at Austin Health, Michael brings extensive experience in the health, education and the aged care industry.

With nearly 30 years involvement in geriatric care, Michael’s career highlights include extensive work in continence, public health and public policy, as well as working in education and service development. In 2019 Michael was appointed as the interim Chief Clinical Advisor to the first Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner.

Michael has been the National Chairperson of the Continence Foundation of Australia for several years, prior to which he was the Victorian State President. Michael is the president of the National Ageing Research Institute. Michael was recently appointed as the Geriatrician Lead to the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre for Covid-19. 

Craig Gear will share the Charter of Aged Care Rights and Aged Care Quality Standards

Craig was appointed as the CEO of Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) in August 2018. As CEO Craig is responsible for coordinating the integration of the National Aged Care Advocacy Program (NACAP) across nine states and territory service delivery organisations.

Craig has extensive experience in health service management and health consulting and was previously the chair of the management board for Senior Rights Service NSW. He is also the director of a health consulting firm focusing on primary care NGOs, ageing, mental health, eHealth and Aboriginal health. Flowing from his background in nursing, he is passionate about connecting and improving the health system for all Australians and also has positions on a number of Non-Government Organisations Boards.

Dr Joan Ostaszkiewicz will discuss the Best-Practice Model of Continence Care for Residential Aged Care

Dr Joan Ostaszkiewicz is a Registered Nurse and Director of Aged Care Research at the National Ageing Research Institute. Her research program focuses on strategies to improve the quality of care for older people; building workforce capacity to deliver evidence-based care in aged care; and the development and evaluation of evidence-based knowledge translation resources to improve and measure quality care. 

Joan has published 6 book chapters, 58 peer-reviewed articles, including 7 systematic review/meta-analyses. In 2018 she was awarded a Translating Research into Practice Fellowship from the Medical Future Fund Next Generation Clinical Researchers Program to trial an intervention to protect the dignity of care-dependent individuals with continence care needs.


    • 1. Deloitte Access Economics. The economic impact of incontinence in Australia. The Continence
      Foundation of Australia: 2011
    • 2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2013. Incontinence in Australia. Cat. no. DIS 61. Canberra: