A Victorian, a Queenslander and a New South Welshman walk into a bar …
The search is on for the best belly-laugh-provoking toilet humour across Australia - from Darwin to Hobart and everywhere in between.
The Continence Foundation of Australia believes humour is a great way to overcome the stigma of incontinence and get people talking about their bladder, bowel and pelvic floor health. That is why we have partnered with the Melbourne International Comedy Festival to find the best ‘toilet humour’ in the country.
It may be a joke, a funny photo, a cartoon, a silly toilet sign or even a short video. Anyone can enter.
There are 25 double passes to win to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and Roadshow as it journeys across the country.
The competition is part of the Continence Foundation of Australia’s new awareness campaign, Laugh Without Leaking. The face of the campaign is actress and comedian, Bev Killick, who has lived with continence-related problems her entire life and has turned her predicament into a career. Her comedy routines typically feature toilet humour and she even instructs her audience on how to do exercise their pelvic floor muscles.
“I get the audience to do the pelvic floor exercises, and I actually do them too – I’m not just pretending,” she says with a laugh.
Bev has at times invented some creative solutions to her continence problems in front of her children’s friends. Such moments tend to wind up in her comedy routines – such as her My Little Pony sketch.
“I had to do some shopping and pick my daughter up from school and I was busting,” Bev says. “I had to try to herd her and her friend home across the street without holding myself inappropriately. I had to find another way, so I turned it into a game and crossed my legs and pretended to play My Little Pony – to speed them up and make it a game somehow.”
Bev says the basics of life often generate the best laughs.
“Comedy comes to you when you least expect it,” she says. “Or you’ll have the idea running on your brain and the next thing you know you’ll drop a line in and then you’ll just find other material around it. You just keep slotting it in until you’ve got a five-minute routine on whatever subject comes in.”
Tell us your funniest toilet humour with the hashtag #LaughWithoutLeaking and win tickets to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and Roadshow @melbournecomedy
How to enter
1. Email media@continence.org.au with the subject line #LaughWithoutLeaking
2. Enter on Facebook or Instagram
3. Post your joke on your own Facebook or Instagram page with the hashtag #LaughWithoutLeaking and tag @AusContinence and @melbournecomedy
4. Mark the post as PUBLIC
5. Ask your friends to like and share it – the posts with the most votes will win
6. Like & follow the Continence Foundation of Australia on Facebook and Instagram to see if you win
Conditions of entry:
1. You must be over 18 years or have permission from a parent or guardian to enter
2. Entries must be received before Thurs 5 April
3. Winners will be notified on Friday 6 April
4. If you want to win, keep it clean! Because continence issues affect people of all ages, we will only be sharing toilet humour jokes that are family friendly.
5. By entering you agree that the Continence Foundation of Australia can share your joke on social media or use it on other promotional purposes
To get help for bladder, bowel and pelvic floor health:
· Call the free National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66
· Go to continence.org.au
· Or talk to your doctor
About Bev Killick
Bev Killick is a Melbourne-based actress, comedian, writer, singer and mother-of-two, who has lived with incontinence since she “was naughty after giving birth and didn’t do my pelvic floor exercises”. She is an Ambassador for the Continence Foundation of Australia and the face of the Laugh Without Leaking awareness campaign.
Bev features in the new Australian comedy film That’s Not My Dog! alongside Shane Jacobson, Paul Hogan and a host of other Aussie stars. Her other acting credits include Kath & Kim, Jack Irish, Fat Pizza, WAG Nation, MDA and Sunshine. Bev also appeared in the recently released children’s adventure film The Comet Kids.
Bev currently combines her Ambassador duties with the Continence Foundation of Australia with stand up comedy on the high seas for P&O Cruises as well as performing her live show Crummy Mummy at the 2018 Melbourne International Comedy Festival and National Comedy Roadshow.