• Awareness: Increase community awareness and understanding of bladder and bowel health, as well as pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Advocacy: Further develop our policy and leadership role
  • Partnership and collaboration: Develop partnerships and collaborative opportunities in the field of continence management
  • Education: Build the sector’s workforce capacity and capability
  • Research: Support and grow research
  • Sustainable future: Continue to build a sustainable future


Our aim is to:

  • promote national initiatives for awareness, prevention and management of bladder and bowel control issues
  • engage with consumers to deliver key health promotion messages across the lifespan
  • tailor messages to optimise access and improve consumer health literacy and meet consumer needs

Some awareness raising activities, events and initiatives include:


Advocacy is one of the key responsibilities of the Continence Foundation. 

Our aim is to:

  • actively participate in national policy development to influence health policies
  • expand the Continence Foundation of Australia’s national profile and recognition
  • be the trusted source of evidence based and best practice knowledge

Partnership and collaboration

Our aim is to:

  • identify opportunities for partnership and collaboration to deliver on the Foundation’s mission
  • further develop and strengthen strategic partnerships
  • develop effective and positive relationships with stakeholders and funders


Our aim is to:

  • provide education to meet identified needs to workforce
  • provide contemporary services through innovation enabled by the use of technology

Examples of educational activities, initiatives and events include:


Our aim is to:

  • build the knowledge base for the evidence-based treatment and management of incontinence
  • be a source of advice on research priorities
  • play a significant role in the direction of research priorities
  • encourage the translation of research into practice
  • advocate for investment in research.

Sustainable future

Our aim is to:

  • invest in leadership and workforce capability that drives excellence in organisational performance
  • continue to build sustainable sources of revenue
  • preserve, promote and recognise the value of our brand
  • utilise the skills and expertise of the organisation to deliver on the Foundation’s objectives nationally, and
  • build a strong and active membership to support the work of the Foundation.

Last Updated: Thu 30, May 2024
Last Reviewed: Mon 30, Mar 2020