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Good bladder habits can help improve bladder control

You need good bladder habits for a healthy life.

Poor bladder habits can lead to poor bladder control, and even wetting yourself. Here are some easy steps that everyone can take to keep a healthy bladder.




Hints to keep your bladder healthy

Step 1 – Use good toilet habits

  • It is normal to go to the toilet 4 to 8 times a day and no more than twice a night.
  • Don’t get into the habit of going to the toilet “just in case.” Try to go to the toilet only when your bladder is full and you need to go. (Going to the toilet before you go to bed is fine).
  • Take your time so that your bladder can empty. If you rush, and do not empty your bladder fully, over time, you could get a bladder infection.
  • Women should sit to go to the toilet. Do not hover over the toilet seat.



  • 白天去厕所4-8次,夜晚不超过2次都属于正常。
  • 不要养成为了“以防万一”而去厕所的习惯。尽量在你的膀胱胀满,需要去厕所时才去。(睡觉前可以去厕所)。
  • 要有足够的时间排空膀胱。如果你匆匆忙忙,不将膀胱完全排空,天长日久就可能会患膀胱感染。
  • 女性要坐下如厕。不要以半站的姿势如厕。

Step 2 – Keep good bowel habits

  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and stay active to keep your bowels regular.
  • Do not strain when using your bowels as this can weaken your pelvic floor muscles (the muscles that help your bladder and bowel control).


  • 要吃大量水果蔬菜,并且经常运动以保持大便正常。
  • 大便时不要太用力,因为这会令你的骨盆底肌肉(帮助你控制大小便的肌肉)变弱。

Step 3 – Drink plenty of water

  • Drink 1.5 - 2 litres of fluid each day unless your doctor says this is not okay.
  • Cut down on how much caffeine and alcohol you drink. These may upset your bladder. Do not drink too much coffee, tea or cola. Instant coffee has less caffeine than brewed coffee. Tea has less caffeine than coffee.


  • 每天饮用1.5—2升液体,除非你的医生告诉你不能这样。
  • 减少咖啡因及酒精摄入量。这些饮料会影响膀胱功能。不要喝太多咖啡、茶或可乐。速溶咖啡所含的咖啡因比需要煮的咖啡少。茶叶所含的咖啡因比咖啡少。

Step 4 – Look after your pelvic floor muscles

  • Keep your pelvic floor muscles strong with pelvic floor muscle training.
  • You can get a Pelvic Floor Muscle Training leaflet for Men, or for Women.
  • See your doctor, physiotherapist or continence nurse to check that you are training your muscles the right way.


  • 通过骨盆底肌肉锻炼,保持骨盆底肌肉强健。
  • 你可以索取供男性或女性进行骨盆底肌肉锻炼的资料册。
  • 去见你的医生、理疗师或排便科护士,确定你锻炼肌力的方法是正确的。

Step 5 – Seek help from your doctor, physiotherapist or continence nurse if you:

  • wet yourself, even a few drops, when you cough, sneeze, laugh, stand, lift or do sports or other activity;
  • have an urgent need to pass urine, have a strong feeling of not being able to hold on, or often don’t get to the toilet in time;
  • pass small amounts of urine, often and regularly. That is more than 8 times per day in small amounts (less than about what a tea cup holds);
  • have to get up more than twice in the night to pass urine;
  • wet the bed over the age of five years;
  • have trouble starting your stream of urine, or have a stream that stops and starts instead of a smooth flow;
  • strain to pass urine;
  • feel that your bladder is not empty when you have passed urine;
  • have burning or pain while passing urine;
  • have to give up things you enjoy like walking, aerobics or dancing because of poor bladder or bowel control; or
  • have any change in your regular bladder habits that you are worried about.


  • 当你咳嗽、打喷嚏、大笑、站立、提举东西或做运动或其它活动时尿湿裤子,即使只是几滴;
  • 尿急,感觉完全无法忍尿,或者经常等不及到厕所就已经排尿了;
  • 经常习惯性地排少量的尿。即每次排尿量少,每天排尿8次以上(大约不到一茶杯);
  • 夜晚需要起床小便2次以上;
  • 5岁后仍然尿床;
  • 开始排尿有困难,或者排尿断断续续,而非顺畅地排出;
  • 要用力才能排尿;
  • 小便之后感觉膀胱未排空;
  • 小便时有灼热或疼痛;
  • 由于排尿或排便控制不良而不得不放弃你喜欢的活动,如散步、有氧运动或跳舞;或者
  • 正常的排尿习惯改变,令你担忧。

Seek help

Qualified nurses are available if you call the National Continence Helpline on 1800 33 00 66* (Monday to Friday, between 8.00am to 8.00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time) for free:

  • Information;
  • Advice; and
  • Leaflets.

If you have difficulty speaking or understanding English you can access the Helpline through the free Telephone Interpreter Service on 13 14 50. The phone will be answered in English, so please name the language you speak and wait on the phone. You will be connected to an interpreter who speaks your language. Tell the interpreter you wish to call the National Continence Helpline on 1800 33 00 66. Wait on the phone to be connected and the interpreter will assist you to speak with a continence nurse advisor. All calls are confidential.

* Calls from mobile telephones are charged at applicable rates.


如果你致电国家排便节制热线,有资质的护士会接听你的电话1800 33 00 66*(周一至周五,澳大利亚东部标准时间8:00am—8:00pm)。

  • 信息;
  • 建议;及
  • 资料册。

如果你在讲英语或者理解上有困难,你可以通过拨打13 14 50获取免费电话传译服务以接通国家排便节制热线。电话会用英语接通,因此请说明你要讲的语言并且不要挂机。你会被连接到一个讲你母语的传译员。告知传译员你想要致电国家排便节制热线,电话是1800 33 00 66。待电话接通后传译员会帮助你与排便节制护理顾问对话,所有的来电均保密。

* 用手机打出会收取相应费用。


Last Updated: Fri 02, Jun 2023
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020