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For some people, it is necessary to use continence products such as pads, pants, catheters, urine drainage bags or bedding protection products to manage their condition. For some people, the continence products may be needed long term. Consequently, the cost of these products becomes very expensive, putting unreasonable pressure on the household budget.

Għal xi nies, huwa neċessarju li jużaw prodotti ta’ kontinenza bħal pads, qliezet, kateters, boroż biex jassorbu l-awrina jew prodotti biex jipproteġu l-għata u l-kisi tas-sodda biex jimmaniġġjaw il-kundizzjoni tagħhom. Għal xi nies, il-prodotti ta’ kontinenza jistgħu jkunu meħtieġa għal żmien fit-tul. Għalhekk, l-ispejjeż għal dawn il-prodotti jsiru jiswew ħafna, u jpoġġuhom taħt pressjoni bla raġuni biex ilaħħqu mal-baġit tad-dar. 

A continence clinic or the National Continence Helpline can provide you with contact details for suppliers of continence products. They can also provide you with information about your eligibility for funding schemes, which may assist with the ongoing costs of purchasing and replacing continence products.

Klinika li tispeċjalizza fil-kontinenza jew in-National Continence Helpline jistgħu jipprovdulek dettalji ta’ kuntatt għal dawk li jissuplixxu prodotti tal-kontinenza. Jipprovdulek ukoll informazzjoni dwar l-eliġibilità tiegħek għall-skemi ta’ fondi, li jistgħu jgħinuk bl-ispejjeż kontinwi biex tixtri u biex tibdel prodotti għall-kontinenza.

Note: An assessment by a continence nurse advisor is recommended to ensure that you or the person you are caring for uses the most appropriate continence product, including the correct fit and application of the product.

Nota: Assessjar minn ners li tagħti pariri dwar kontinenza huwa rrakomandat biex ikun żgurat li int jew il-persuna li qed tieħu ħsieb tuża l-aktar prodott xieraq għall-kontinenza, inkluż il-qies tajjeb u kif ikun applikat il-prodott. 

There are various funding schemes available for continence products funded by the Australian Government. These schemes have differing eligibility criteria and funding allocations, and it is important to note is that you may be eligible to apply for government funding through several schemes. Australian Government funding schemes are open to all Australian citizens who meet the eligibility criteria, regardless of which state of Australia they live in.

Hemm diversi skemi ta’ fondi għall-prodotti ta’ kontinenza, li għandhom fondi mill-Gvern Awstraljan. Dawn l-iskemi għandhom kriterja u allokazzjoni ta’ fondi ta’ eliġibilità differenti u huwa importanti li tkun taf li tista’ tkun eliġibbli biex tapplika għall-fondi tal-gvern permezz ta’ skemi diversi. L-iskemi tal-fondi tal-Gvern Awstraljan huma miftuħa għaċ-ċittadini Awstraljani kollha li jissodisfaw il-kriterja ta’ eliġibilità, irrespettivament l-istat fejn joqogħdu fl-Awstralja. 

There is also a range of state/territory government funding schemes available. For more information please contact the National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66. If you have any English language difficulties you can contact the Helpline by using the telephone interpreter service. Call 13 14 50. At first, a person will answer the call in English, name the language you speak and wait on the phone. You will be connected to an interpreter who speaks your language, then tell them you want to call the National Continence Helpline on 1800 33 00 66. Wait on the phone to be connected and the interpreter will assist you to speak with a continence nurse advisor. Telephone interpreter services are provided free of charge to you.

Hemm ukoll varjetà ta’ skemi ta’ fondi tal-gvern statali/territorjali. Għal aktar informazzjoni kkuntattja n-National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66. Jekk ikollok xi diffikultajiet biex titkellem bl-Ingliż tista’ tikkuntattja l-Helpline billi tuża s-servizz ta’ interpretu bit-telefon. Ċempel 13 14 50. Għall-ewwel, tirrispondi persuna bl-Ingliż, għid liema lingwa titkellem u stenna fuq it-telefon. Tkun ikkonnettjat/a ma’ interpretu li jitkellem bil-lignwa tiegħek, imbagħad għidilhom li tkun trid iċċempel lin-National Continence Helpline fuq 1800 33 00 66. Stenna fuq il-telefon biex tkun imqabbad/imqabbda u l-interpretu jgħinek biex titkellem ma’ ners li tagħti pariri dwar l-kontinenza. Is-servizzi ta’ interpretu bit-telefon huma pprovduti lilek b’xejn. 


Last Updated: Fri 30, Jul 2021
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020