In our busy lives, how do we make time for continence health? Nurse Continence Specialist Janie Thompson leads the National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66 and answers this important question.
Q & A
Look through our Q and A articles below for frequently asked questions on a variety of topics related to incontinence and bladder and bowel health.
Alternatively visit our continence forum to ask your own question.
Shan Morrison and Rachel Heerey are Women’s, Men’s and Pelvic Health Physiotherapists with a passion for helping men recover from pelvic pain. They share what you need to know about this treatable condition in Bridge.
There’s a lot to take in when making treatment choices for your bladder, bowel and pelvic health. Remember, it is always your decision to choose the help you would like.
Janie Thompson is the Continence Foundation of Australia’s Clinical Services Manager, leading the National Continence Helpline. In this Helpline Q&A, Janie answers three key questions about mental health and bladder, bowel and pelvic health.
Many women experience pain during sexual intercourse. Physiotherapist Lissy Changuion explains how the pelvic floor can play a factor in sexual function and shares her advice if you’re experiencing pain.
Are you experiencing leakage during exercise? It could be that the pelvic floor muscles aren’t supportive enough during the landing phase, the muscles get too tired, or the other tissues supporting the bladder and other pelvic organs (ligaments and fascia) are too lax.
Rachel Andrew is a Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist, based in Hobart, Tasmania. Rachel is passionate about women having access to pelvic floor physiotherapy and being able to talk about intimate symptoms in a safe space.
For Men’s Health Week (15-21 June 2020), the National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66 is answering questions around men’s bladder, bowel and pelvic health.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can interfere with daily life, intimacy and even land you in hospital. What exactly are they and how can you try and avoid the nasty symptoms?
The National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66 has answered the questions you’ve been wondering about bowel motions and diet.