
September is Dementia Awareness Month, and the Continence Foundation has several resources to support family members and care givers of people affected by dementia and incontinence.
New evidence shows the benefit of pelvic floor muscle exercises in menopausal women with osteoporosis... even if they don't have pelvic floor dysfunction
Is the advertising spiel around waist trainers to be believed?
Applications for the Australian Bladder Foundation grant, National Conference on Incontinence Scholarships Program and Carer of the Year award are open!
The prospect of earlier death from preventable diseases compared to women has yet to convince some men to adopt healthier lifestyles. Perhaps the prospect of erectile problems might provide some motivation.
Someone in Australia is diagnosed with diabetes every five minutes, and there are more than 4,400 amputations every year as a result of diabetes.
Marietta Mehanni reminds us of the importance of treating pelvic floor dysfunction like any other injury when exercising
Easy English fact sheets for people who have difficulty reading mainstream texts are now available for download.
New research shows that more than three quarters of Australians experiencing bladder leakage prefer to put up with the embarrassing problem than seek professional help, despite the fact most cases can be prevented, cured or better managed.
The prospect of an earlier death from preventable diseases compared to women has yet to convince some men to adopt healthier lifestyles. Perhaps the prospect of erectile problems, along with bladder and bowel consequences, might provide some motivation.
Pelvic floor muscle exercises in prostate surgery recovery, Pilates for the pelvic floor and more
Incontinence: a smelly and embarrassing problem frequently experienced by your elderly grandmother, right? Well, no actually.
It's Arthritis Awareness Week May 29-June 4. Some of the measures taken by people with arthritis to avoid urinary leakage, may in fact be exacerbating their incontinence.
It's Exercise Right Week May 23-27, and a timely reminder about why we need to protect our pelvic floor when exercising.
Kidney Health Week is coming up (May 22-28), which is an ideal time to reinforce the Continence Foundation's and Kidney Health Australia's position on how much we should drink each day.
May 3 is World Asthma Day. Even though Asthma is a condition affecting the respiratory system, it can often have other impacts that aren’t quite as obvious.
Nocturia, or waking up at night more than twice, is often considered trivial. However, its cost to individuals and society is considerable.
Nominations for the 2016 Carer of the Year are now open. By nominating a carer, you are acknowledging the extraordinary sacrifices and contribution they make to our society.
During World Continence Week (June 20-26), a major focus will be on improving access to information for the one in five Australians living with disability.
It’s World Parkinson’s Day on April 11. While the external symptoms of Parkinson’s may be immediately apparent, it is the unseen symptoms that can cause the most distress.

Last Updated: Tue 19, Apr 2022
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020