This fact sheet explains what constipation is and suggests some ideas for improvement and tells you where to get more help. |
Athör yith kënë acï wël kuil la roor teet yiic ku aluel wël piɛth kɔ̈k alɔŋ të bënë ŋuën thïn ku lëk yïn tënë bïn kuɔny kɔ̈k la yök thïn ëya. |
What is constipation?Constipation is a common disorder where bowel actions ('poo' or faeces) are not easily and/or less frequently passed. Symptoms of constipation include:
Yeŋö ë kuil?Kuil ë tuëny yäc ku töör dɔm bï ciëth cië lac la bën bei luac-läŋ wulë lɔr ror arak tök ku ban kɔŋ rëër apei. • Ciëth rïlkɔ̈u
What does being 'Regular' mean?
Yeŋö ë wëtde yic ba cɔl ‘kuilaköaköl’ ?• Yïn alëu ‘ba rëër ka ciëth ’ yänydu yïc agut të cï ciëth yïn jal näk ba jɔl la roor |
What can cause constipation?
Yeŋö ë tuany la ror kuil ciak?• Cäm mïith cïnic kë lapiɔth-piɔ̈th |
What should your 'poo' look like?Your poo should be light or dark brown, sausage-shaped, soft but firm, easy to pass and with minimal odour. Aim to have a type 3 or type 4 bowel action. |
Ciënhdu ë tïŋ kathöŋ kek këno?Ciënhdu adhïl bï amayen wulɛ̈ col ë cuɔl mathiäŋ, abäärkɔ̈u cïtmɛn thɔthec, aköckɔ̈u ku aril amääth, kua guɔ lac la bec ku aŋuäc amääth. Kewïc ba däŋ nïmïra ciëth 3 wulɛ̈ ciëth 4 la peelic.
Common Bowel ProblemsFaecal Impaction - When constipation causes faeces to pack the intestine (digestive tract) so tightly that your normal pushing action in the toilet is not strong enough to push the faeces out. Faecal Incontinence (sometimes referred to as 'soiling') - This is the accidental loss of liquid or solid faeces. This can be due to the bowel (which stores the faeces) being too full, but this may be only one of the causes. Uncontrolled flatus ('wind') is often considered evidence of faecal incontinence. Haemorrhoids (sometimes referred to as 'piles') - This can be the result of straining to have a bowel movement. This strain (similar to heavy lifting) can damage the rectum's veins. This can cause bleeding, soreness and itching. Rectal Prolapse - This occurs when long-term straining causes a small amount of bowel lining to push out from the anus, which is a ring of muscle that opens and closes when we pass a bowel motion. |
Käk wën röt la looi alɔŋ yäc ku tööricRëër Ciëth Yïc – Të cï la ror kuil ciëth gël bï cïën tënë lë yen bec, Tuany ciëth (tëdët cɔl ‘liɛt’) – Kënë ë määr pïu walë ciëth Kuër yïc (tëdët cɔl ‘Akut’) – Kënë alëu bï ya ciɔ̈l-ciöl ë pïlïc apei të pël yïn. Yen ba ciɔ̈l kënë pïlic (athöŋ kek jöt kathiëk) alëu bä rääl amok mït köth ku rac kek. Ɣen ë kënë alëu bï kuër yïc, arëm ku akuök loi. Ba amok miɔ̈th bei – Kenë ë rot looi wën na ciöl ciëth acï cieŋ apei keyi, ka loi räät töör amök bïk ala bei amook-thok, Kek arääl awëncï gɔ̈lic röt liëp ku thiök kië thok tënë pël raan. Yen miɔ̈th amok bïc ë cɔl macukguk. |
How constipation affects bladder controlConstipation can cause accidential leakage from your bladder. An overfull bowel will cut down the volume of urine your bladder can hold and you will feel the need to go to the toilet often and in a hurry. |
Ye kedï ë la ror keril-kou alëc luany bï lac cï mukKuil aye kuër lac cɔl ajɔk rot alëcic ku acië ŋïc tënë lui rot. |
Here are five ways to keep your bladder and bowel healthy and prevent constipation:Eat well to keep your bowels regular and to have a healthy body weight Eat a healthy diet high in fibre (at least 30g per day). Drink well to prevent constipation and bladder irritation Drink 1.5 -2 Litres(6-8 glasses) of fluid each day unless advised otherwise by your doctor. Fluid is water, fruit juice, tea, coffee, milk, soup, jellies and icecream. Exercise daily to prevent constipation and keep a healthy body weight Keep your pelvic floor strong for good bladder and bowel control Request a pelvic floor muscle exercise leaflet by calling the National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66. Toileting habits - Go to the toilet as soon as you need to and empty your bowel fully. Remember to relax. |
Kuɛr kadhiëc akënë lëu bïn ka alënydu ku yänydu cɔl arɛ̈ɛ̈r kapiɔl ku gël kuil:Cäm apiath ba yänydu cɔl arɛ̈r kapiɛth aköl luöt ku da guöp la läkläk kë cï cuaidït Cäm miëth la möt-möt dëic wäl lapiɔth (lööm kakor 30g aköl tökic). Dëk pïu juëc ba kuil cɔl akɔ̈c ku arëm alëc Ka laulau ë cɔl pïu, 'fruit' pïu alemun, cääi, kopp, caa, cuai, aläwa dïny ku icecream. Ye tuk aköl luöt ba cuëi ku la ror kerïl-köu gël wei yï guöp Cɔl ɣöidu arër karïl ba alëc piath ku tïet töör Ŋïëc la ror – Lɔr pakäna emɛn tënë yïn röt yök kewïc la ku thöl pël ebën abï yäc yïc thök. Ku ŋïc ba guöp luac pïny apiɛth. |
Check your toileting postion:
Cök guöpdu pïny apiɛth:• Nhiɔku awïc ba ke cök pïny bïk ɣët nhiäl amääth abïk duk thööŋ kek ɣöiku nyïn |
Wäl yäc (Laxatives)• Wäl yäc cɔl 'Lakatïb/Laxatives' aye waäl yäc kony bë köc bï ciëth cië tem yïc ku gäk ɣöi yïc. |
There are three types of laxatives:
Wäl cɔl 'lakatïb/laxatives' ë yïc diäk: • Wäl wɛi kutïc (Bulking Agents) ‐ Käk amët ciëthic cɔl alɔc arot määt ë yäc yïc (ciëth). Dëk bïny ka 6‐8 ë pïu akökaköl ë yen cɔl apiɛth. |
If constipation is severe or continuing, go to your Doctor. |
Na la ror kerïl-kou acï akerïl apei wulɛ̈ arëër acï jiël, ke yï lɔr tënë akimdu. |
Who can help?The first step to improving your bowel control is to have a full continence assessment carried out by a health professional. |
Ŋa lëu bï ye kony?Kätueŋ lëu bë cɔl aŋuën bï tuany yäc kɔ̈ɔ̈c ë lɔn ba akutnhom pan akim yï kɔŋ la caar guöp. |
For more informationThere are a range of health professionals who can help you deal with constipation.
Tëwïc bï lëk wël kökKa nɔŋ bëi akïm juëc ŋïc të bïk kuöny yïn ye tueny-dun ë yï la ror kerïl-kou. • Neem akïm du walë raan ŋïc tuany kënë |