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Good bladder habits can help improve bladder control

You need good bladder habits for a healthy life.

Poor bladder habits can lead to poor bladder control, and even wetting yourself. Here are some easy steps that everyone can take to keep a healthy bladder.

Na ŋiɛc alɛ̈ɛ̈c ŋiëëc ka lëu ba lac ŋiɛc ya guum

Apath ba alɛ̈ɛ̈c ŋiɛc ŋiëëc rin pïr ke pial guöp.

Na kuöc alɛ̈ɛ̈c ŋiëëc ka lëu ba thar ya thiu, ku a lëu ba rot ya läc. Kuany dhɔ̈l kä yiic bïn aläny du ŋiɛc ŋiëëc rin ba rot cï ye läc ku cï thar yi thiu.

Hints to keep your bladder healthy

Step 1 – Use good toilet habits

  • It is normal to go to the toilet 4 to 8 times a day and no more than twice a night.
  • Don’t get into the habit of going to the toilet “just in case.” Try to go to the toilet only when your bladder is full and you need to go. (Going to the toilet before you go to bed is fine).
  • Take your time so that your bladder can empty. If you rush, and do not empty your bladder fully, over time, you could get a bladder infection.
  • Women should sit to go to the toilet. Do not hover over the toilet seat.

Dhɛ̈l Bï Yïn Alɛ̈nydu Ŋiɛ̈c Ŋiëëc

Dhël-tök – Ŋic kaam ë laac ŋiëëc

  • A cë rac bë raan laac kën yic ŋuan ɣet bɛ̈t kööl tök yic ku kën yic rou wɛɛr yic.
  • Duk lac ye cɔl. Ye laac tɛ̈ nɛ̈k lac yïïn. (A cë rac ba laac them tɛ̈ le yïn nin).
  • Päl rot tɛ lɛɛc yïn rin bë alɛ̈ɛ̈c yic thök. Na räu lac, ku lɛc tɛɛm alɛɛc yic, ka la run röt juak, ka kën a lëu bï yiën tuany alɛɛc.
  • Diäär aa dhil nyuc tɛ lɛɛc kek. Du cɔ̈ɔ̈p pakäna nhom të lɛɛc yïn.

Step 2 – Keep good bowel habits

  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and stay active to keep your bowels regular.
  • Do not strain when using your bowels as this can weaken your pelvic floor muscles (the muscles that help your bladder and bowel control).

Dhël-Rou - Ŋic alɛ̈ɛ̈c ŋiëëc

  • Ye cam mïth tiim ku liëëm ku ye rot rïïl rin bë aläny du rëël puɔl.
  • Duk lɛc ye cɔl tɛ̈ lɛɛc yïn rin lëu bïn acuek lac dɔ̈k nyïn (acuek wën yï cɔl a rot lac tɛ̈ mec tɛ̈n laac).

Step 3 – Drink plenty of water

  • Drink 1.5 - 2 litres of fluid each day unless your doctor says this is not okay.
  • Cut down on how much caffeine and alcohol you drink. These may upset your bladder. Do not drink too much coffee, tea or cola. Instant coffee has less caffeine than brewed coffee. Tea has less caffeine than coffee.

Dhël-Diäk – Ye dek piu juëc

  • Ye bïïny ka dhetem ɣet bɛ̈t kööl tök yic dek tɛ̈ këc akïm yï pëën ba cï ye dek piu juëc.
  • Tek cäi ku muön ye dek yiic. Cäi wälä mɔ̈u a lëu bï gäm tuany alɛ̈ɛ̈c. Duk bun, cäi, wälä kola dït tet ye dek. Bun ye ɣɔɔc cë guur a koor kape de tɛ̈ thööŋ yïn yeen ke bun ye guur baai. Kape cäi a wɛ̈r kape bun.

Step 4 – Look after your pelvic floor muscles

  • Keep your pelvic floor muscles strong with pelvic floor muscle training.
  • You can get a Pelvic Floor Muscle Training leaflet for Men, or for Women.
  • See your doctor, physiotherapist or continence nurse to check that you are training your muscles the right way.

Dhël-ŊUan – Ye acuek kuun aŋuum ŋiɛc muk nhïïm

  • Ye acuek kuun aŋuum piɔ̈ɔ̈c duɛ̈ɛ̈ny rin bïk riɛl.
  • A lëu ba athör yï lɛ̈k tɛ̈ bïn acuek aŋuum ya duääny thïn cë gɔ̈t tɛ̈n röör wälä diäär yök.
  • Lɔr tënë akïmdu, raan duun yï duääny wälä akuanyakïm ë thiu thar rin ba ŋic lɔn yïn acuek kuun aŋuum ŋiɛc duääny.

Step 5 – Seek help from your doctor, physiotherapist or continence nurse if you:

  • wet yourself, even a few drops, when you cough, sneeze, laugh, stand, lift or do sports or other activity;
  • have an urgent need to pass urine, have a strong feeling of not being able to hold on, or often don’t get to the toilet in time;
  • pass small amounts of urine, often and regularly. That is more than 8 times per day in small amounts (less than about what a tea cup holds);
  • have to get up more than twice in the night to pass urine;
  • wet the bed over the age of five years;
  • have trouble starting your stream of urine, or have a stream that stops and starts instead of a smooth flow;
  • strain to pass urine;
  • feel that your bladder is not empty when you have passed urine;
  • have burning or pain while passing urine;
  • have to give up things you enjoy like walking, aerobics or dancing because of poor bladder or bowel control; or
  • have any change in your regular bladder habits that you are worried about.

Dhël-Dhiëc – wïc kuɔɔny tɛ̈n akïmdu, raan duun yï duääny wälä akuanyakïm ë thiu thar tɛ̈:

  • Yïn rot läc, cɔk a liikkä, tɛ̈ ɣɔɔl yïn, tïïm yïn, dɛl yïn, jɔt yïn rot, jɔt yïn kë thiek wälä tɛ̈ tuuk yïn tuk kɔc rïïr gup wälä tɛ̈ looi yïn kuat kë rïr yï guöp;
  • Ye lac yï cuööŋ, ye yïn diɛɛr ciët yï cë ɣön laac bë dööt wälä tɛ̈ ye yïn ɣön laac dääk;
  • Ye yïn laac tuet, ku ye laac mën ku mën. Tɛ̈ ye yïn laac thiu arak wär 8 kɔ̈ɔ̈l tök yic (lɛc reen bïny cäi bur cök);
  • Ye yïn rot jɔt arak wär 2 wär tök yic ba la laac;
  • Ye yïn laac ɣöt ka yï cë run ka dhiëc waan;
  • Cï lɛc ye lac bɛ̈n tɛ̈ le yïn laac, wälä yekä bɛ̈n ku teem kä ka alɛ̈ɛ̈c ŋuɔt këc yic thök;
  • Ye lɛc göök të lɛɛc yïn;
  • Ye yïn rot yök ciët yï këc thök laac cɔkalɔn cïn yen lɛc ben bɛ̈n bei;
  • Ye yï reem juny yï lac;
  • Cïn muöl cäth, tuk wälä diër rin yïn rot läc;
  • Leŋ yïn kën yï diir biäk aläny du rin yen rot lac looi.

Seek help

Qualified nurses are available if you call the National Continence Helpline on 1800 33 00 66* (Monday to Friday, between 8.00am to 8.00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time) for free:

  • Information;
  • Advice; and
  • Leaflets.

If you have difficulty speaking or understanding English you can access the Helpline through the free Telephone Interpreter Service on 13 14 50. The phone will be answered in English, so please name the language you speak and wait on the phone. You will be connected to an interpreter who speaks your language. Tell the interpreter you wish to call the National Continence Helpline on 1800 33 00 66. Wait on the phone to be connected and the interpreter will assist you to speak with a continence nurse advisor. All calls are confidential.

* Calls from mobile telephones are charged at applicable rates.

Wïc kuɔɔny

Mathaat akïm cï piöc aabï tɔ̈ na yï ayup telepun Kuɔɔny Baai käk thiu thar ee nïmra kënëic tök, bɛ̈t, gueu, diäk, diäk, gueu, dhetem, dhetem*/ 1800 33 00 66* (aköl Tök agut aköl Dhiëc ee Läätic (Monday- Friday) kaam thaa bɛ̈t nhiäk-duur (8am) ku thaa bɛ̈t thëëi (8pm) ee thaa kɔc Australia ciëŋ Ciëën) aye gäm kɔc abɛc:

  • Lëk/Wël;
  • Wëët; ku
  • Athör thiin ë lëk.

Na yïn acie ŋiëc jam thoŋ English apiɛth ka yïn alëu ba telpun luɔi ye kɔc Kuɔny wɛ̈r thokic yuɔ̈p. Cɔl nïmra kënë tök diäk, tök, ŋuan, dhiëc/13 14 50. Tueŋic, abï raan kɔŋ dhuk nhom ee thoŋ English, luel thoŋduɔ̈n ee yïn jam ku tiɛ̈ɛ̈t ee telepunic. Yïn abï tuɔ̈ɔ̈m thok kek raan kɔc waar thook/duwër jam thuɔŋdu, ku jal kek lɛ̈k wɛ̈tduɔ̈n wïc ee yïn kɔc Baai Kuɔɔny Käk thiu thar yuɔ̈p ee nïmra kënëic tök, bɛ̈t, gueu, diäk, diäk, gueu, dhetem, dhetem/ 1800 33 00 66. Tiɛ̈ɛ̈t ee telepunic ku bï yï gam ku duwër abï kony ba jam kek mathaat akïm kɔc lɛ̈k. Telepun duwër aye kɔc yup thïn abɛc/majan ee rin cïn en wëu ye wïc tënë yïn. Kek wël ëbɛ̈n aye thiaan yiic.

* Yup mobaalic ee wëu cam tëcït cɔ̈t baai ëtɛ̈n.


Last Updated: Fri 30, Jul 2021
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020