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What is bedwetting?

Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is when a child of 5 or older empties their bladder while they are asleep. This can happen every so often, or every night.

Bedwetting is common. About 1 in every 5 children in Australia wets the bed. Bedwetting can run in families. It is more common in boys than girls before the age of 9. It can be upsetting for the child and stressful for the whole family. The good news is that you can get help.




What causes bedwetting?

Wetting the bed is caused by a mix of three things:

  1. the body making a large amount of urine through the night.
  2. a bladder that can only store a small amount of urine at night.
  3. not being able to fully wake up from sleep.

Children who wet the bed are not lazy or being naughty. Some illnesses are linked with bedwetting. But most children who wet the bed do not have major health problems.

Daytime control of the bladder comes before night-time dryness. Most children are dry through the day by 3 and dry at night by school age. Any child may still wet every now and then, day or night, up until they are 7 or 8.



  1. 一晩を通じて、大量の尿が体で生成される。
  2. 膀胱が、夜に少量の尿しか保持できない。
  3. 眠りから完全に目覚めることができない。



What can parents do?

  • Seek help from a health professional with special training in children’s bladder problems, such as a doctor, continence physiotherapist or continence nurse advisor.
  • Make sure there is enough light at night. This makes it easy to get to the toilet.
  • Watch for constipation as this can make bladder problems worse. Seek medical help if constipation is an ongoing problem.
  • If your child is using a bedwetting alarm, you can help by:
    • getting up when it goes off.
    • waking them up.
    • helping them change their clothes or sheets.
  • Attend review appointments with your continence professional.

There are some things which do not help:

  • do not punish for wet beds.
  • do not shame the child in front of friends or family.
  • do not lift the child at night to toilet them. This may cut down on some wet beds but it does not help the child learn to be dry.
  • do not try to fix bedwetting at a stressful time.


  • 医師、失禁物理療法士、失禁看護アドバイザーなど、子供の排尿コントロールの問題に特別な訓練を受けている医療従事者から助けを求める。
  • 夜間、照明を十分にする。これによりトイレに行きやすくなる。
  • 便秘をすると排尿コントロールが悪化するため、注意すること。便秘が続く場合は、医師に相談すること。
  • 夜尿アラームを使っている場合、次のようにすると役立ちます。
    • アラームが鳴ったら起きる。
    • 子どもを起こす。
    • 衣服またはシーツを取り換えるのを助ける。
  • 失禁専門家の診察を再度受けるための予約を入れる。


  • おねしょをしたときに罰する。
  • 友達または家族の前で辱める。
  • 子どもを夜中に抱え上げてトイレに行かせる。このようにすると、おねしょをする回数が減るかもしれませんが、子どもの勉強にはなりません。
  • ストレスを感じているときにおねしょを治そうとしない。

When should you seek help for bedwetting?

It is best to seek help from a health professional with special training in children’s bladder problems. This might be your doctor, a continence physiotherapist or a continence nurse advisor. They can help children with their bedwetting from when the child is about 6. Before this time, treatment may not be helpful.

However it is wise to seek help sooner, if the child:

  • who has been dry suddenly starts wetting at night.
  • is wetting a lot after starting at school.
  • is bothered, upset or angry because of bedwetting.
  • wets or races to the toilet during the day.

Any child who is toilet trained and starts new daytime wetting should see a doctor. If the child has daytime symptoms as well as bedwetting, these will be treated before the bedwetting.

Many children do stop wetting in their own time with no help. After age 8 or 9, if the child is still wetting often, the problem usually does not get better by itself.


子どもの排尿問題の分野で特別な訓練を受けている、医療従事者から助けを求めることをお勧めします。医師、失禁物理療法士、または失禁看護アドバイザーなどにアドバイスを求めてください。 6歳くらいから、おねしょの治療をすることができます。それより前に治療を受けても、役に立たない可能性があります。


  • おねしょをしなかった子どもが、急におねしょをするようになった。
  • 学校に入学した後におねしょを頻繁にするようになった。
  • おねしょのために悩んでいる、気が動転している、または怒っている。
  • 昼間に尿漏れしたり、トイレに急いで行ったりする。



Can bladder control through the day be a problem?

Some children who wet the bed at night also have problems with how their bladder works during the day.

They may:

  • go to the toilet too often.
  • not go to the toilet often enough.
  • need to rush to the toilet in a hurry.
  • have damp underwear.
  • have trouble emptying out all the urine from their bladder.
  • have bowel problems, including constipation.




  • トイレに行く回数が多すぎる。
  • トイレに行く回数が少なすぎる。
  • トイレに急いで行く必要がある。
  • 下着を濡らしてしまう。
  • 膀胱から完全に尿を出し切ることができない。
  • 便秘など、排便に問題がある。

What else can be done for bedwetting?

There are many ways to treat bedwetting. A health professional may begin by checking the child for any physical causes. They will also check how their bladder works through the day.

Bedwetting alarms

These alarms are set to go off when the child’s bed or underwear is wet. Alarm treatment can still help, even if it was tried before and did not work. Sometimes alarm treatment is used with medicines as well.


Some medicines help the bladder store more urine. Others reduce how much urine is produced overnight. One or more medicines can be used. Sometimes medicines are used with a bedwetting alarm. It may help to use medicines just for special times such as a sleep over. In some cases medicines are needed for some time.







Seek help

You are not alone. Poor bladder and bowel control can be cured or better managed with the right treatment. If you do nothing, it might get worse.

Phone expert advisors on the National Continence Helpline for free:

  • advice;
  • resources; and
  • information about local services

1800 33 00 66 *

(8am - 8pm Monday to Friday AEST)

* Calls from mobile telephones are charged at applicable rates.

To arrange for an interpreter through the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS), phone 13 14 50 Monday to Friday and ask for the National Continence Helpline. Information in other languages is also available from

For more information:


* Calls from mobiles are charged at applicable rates.



National Continence Help Line(全国失禁ヘルプライン)に電話すれば、無料で専門家による以下のアドバイスが受けられます。

  • アドバイス
  • 資料、および
  • 地元のサービスに関する情報

1800 33 00 66 *

(8am - 8pm 月曜〜金曜、東部標準時間)

電話通訳サービス(TIS)を通じて通訳を手配するには、月曜日から金曜日の間に13 14 50にお電話し、National Continence Help Lineに電話してもらってください。その他の言語での情報は、から入手できます。



* 携帯電話からの電話には、通常の携帯料金が課されます。


Last Updated: Fri 30, Jul 2021
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020