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What are the pelvic floor muscles?

The floor of the pelvis is made up of layers of muscle and other tissues. These layers stretch like a hammock from the tailbone at the back, to the pubic bone at the front.

A woman’s pelvic floor muscles support her bladder, uterus (womb) and bowel (colon). The urethra (urine tube), the vagina, and the rectum (back passage) all pass through the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscles help control your bladder and bowel. They may also help sexual function.

It is vital to keep your pelvic floor muscles strong.





Pelvic Floor Muscle

Pelvic Floor Muscle

Pelvic floor muscles can be made weaker by:

  • not keeping them active.
  • being pregnant.
  • giving birth.
  • growing older.


  • 骨盤底筋を使わない。
  • 妊娠。
  • 出産。
  • 加齢。

Should I do pelvic floor muscle training?

When the pelvic floor muscles have to support heavy loads they may not be strong enough. Heavy loads press down on the pelvic floor muscles when you:

  • are pregnant.
  • are overweight.
  • push and strain to use your bowels if you are constipated.
  • carry heavy weights.
  • have a cough that goes on for a long time such as with asthma, bronchitis or a chronic cough.

Women who wet themselves when they cough, sneeze or are active have stress incontinence. They will find pelvic floor muscle training can help improve this problem.

For pregnant women, pelvic floor muscle training will help the body support the growing baby. Pelvic floor muscle training will also reduce the chance of having a bladder or bowel problem after birth. Healthy muscles before the baby is born return to normal more easily after birth.

After the birth of your baby, begin pelvic floor muscle training as soon as you can. Always brace your pelvic floor muscles. To brace means to squeeze up your pelvic floor muscles and hold before you cough, sneeze or lift the baby. This is called having ‘the knack’.

As women grow older, the pelvic floor muscles need to stay strong. After menopause, hormone changes can affect bladder control. As well as this, the pelvic floor muscles change and may get weak. A pelvic floor muscle training program can help to lessen the effects of menopause on pelvic organ support and bladder control.

A pelvic floor muscle training program may also help women who have an urgent need to pass urine often.



  • 妊娠している。
  • 肥満である。
  • 便秘しているときに排便するためにいきむ。
  • 重い荷物を運ぶ。
  • 喘息、気管支炎、または慢性咳など、長期にわたる咳をしている。




年齢が上がると、骨盤底筋を強化する必要がります。更年期以降、ホルモンの変化により排尿コントロール機能に影響が及び、さらに骨盤底筋が変化して弱くなることがああります。骨盤底筋トレーニングプログラムにより、 骨盤組織のサポートと排尿コントロールに対する更年期による影響を軽減できます。

骨盤底筋トレーニングプログラムは、尿意切迫感にお困りの 女性にとっても役立ちます。

Where are my pelvic floor muscles?

The first thing to do is to find out which muscles you need to train. Here are two things you can try.

  • Sit or lie down with the muscles of your thighs, buttocks and stomach relaxed. Squeeze the ring of muscle around the anus (back passage) as if you are trying to stop passing wind. Now relax this muscle. Squeeze and let go a couple of times to be sure you have found the right muscles. Remember, do not squeeze your buttocks.
  • Try to stop the stream of urine when sitting on the toilet to empty your bladder. Then start your stream again. You can do this to learn which muscles are the right ones to use – but do this only once a week. Your bladder may not empty the way it should if you stop and start your stream too often. You need active pelvic floor muscles to be able to stop your urine flow.

If you do not feel a distinct ‘squeeze and lift’ of your pelvic floor muscles when you try to squeeze, ask for help from a continence physiotherapist or continence nurse advisor. They will help you to get your pelvic floor muscles working the right way.

Even women with very weak pelvic floor muscles can be helped by pelvic floor muscle training.



  • 太もも、腹部、および臀部の筋肉を弛緩させた状態で座るか横になります。放屁を止めようとするように、肛門周辺の環状の筋肉を締め付け、それから弛緩させます。骨盤底筋を確実に見つけるまで、何回か筋肉を締め付けてから弛緩させます。このとき、臀部を締め付けないでください。
  • トイレで座って排尿しているときに、途中で尿を止めようとします。それからもう一度尿を出します。こうすると、どの筋肉が使用されているかがわかります ? ただし、これは1週間に一度のみにしてください。あまり頻繁に尿を途中で止めたり出したりすると、膀胱が正常に働かなくなることがあります。骨盤底筋が機能していない限り、途中で尿を止めることはできません。



How do I do pelvic floor muscle training?

Now that you can feel the pelvic floor muscles working, you can:

  • Squeeze and draw in the muscles around your anus (back passage) and vagina at the same time. Lift them up inside. Feel a sense of lift each time you squeeze your pelvic floor muscles. Hold them strong and tight as you count to 8. Then, let them go and relax. You should have a distinct feeling of letting go.
  • Repeat the squeeze and lift and letting go. It is best to rest for about 8 seconds in between each lift up of the muscles. If you can’t hold for 8, just hold for as long as you can.
  • Repeat this squeeze and lift as many times as you can. Aim to do between 8 to 12 squeezes each set.
  • Try to do three sets of 8 to 12 squeezes each, with a rest in between. A training program is three sets of up to 8 to 12 squeezes.
  • Do your whole training program each day. Try to do sets while lying down, sitting or standing.

While doing pelvic floor muscle training:

  • do not hold your breath.
  • only squeeze and lift.
  • do not tighten your buttocks.
  • keep your thighs relaxed.



  • 肛門周辺の筋肉と膣周辺の筋肉を同時に引き締めます。身体の中から筋肉を持ち上げます。骨盤底筋を締め付けるたびに、身体の中が持ち上がる感覚があるはずです。強く締め付けて8まで数えます。その後、緩めてリラックスします。筋肉が緩む様子が明らかにわかるはずです。
  • 締め付けて持ち上げ、それから緩める動作を繰り返します。筋肉を持ち上げるたびに約8秒間休ませることをお勧めします。8秒間締め付けられなかったら、できるだけ長く締め付けます。
  • 締める動作をできるだけ多く繰り返します。毎回、8〜12回締めることを目指します。
  • 毎回8〜12回締める動作を休みを入れて3セット実行することを目標にしてください。トレーニングプログラムは、 8〜12回締め付ける動作を最大3セット行います。
  • このトレーニングプログラムを毎日実行してください。横になった状態、座った状態、または立っている状態で実行してみてください。


  • 息を止めない。
  • 締め付けて持ち上げる動作だけ行う。
  • 臀部を締め付けない。
  • 太ももをリラックスする。

Do your pelvic floor muscle training the right way

Fewer hard squeezes are better than a lot of half-hearted ones. Ask for help from your continence physiotherapist or continence nurse advisor if you are not sure you are doing the squeezes right.

Seek help if you do not see a change in your symptoms after 3 months.




Make the training part of your daily life

Once you have learnt how to do pelvic floor muscle squeezes, do them often. Every day is best. Give each set of squeezes your full focus. Make a regular time to do your pelvic floor muscle squeezes. This might be after going to the toilet, when having a drink or when lying in bed.

Other things you can do to help your pelvic floor muscles:

  • Use ‘the knack’. This is when you brace your pelvic floor muscles by squeezing up and holding each time before you cough, sneeze or lift anything.
  • Always share the lifting of heavy loads.
  • Eat 2 pieces of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables daily.
  • Consume 1.5 – 2 litres of fluid per day unless your doctor says this is not okay.
  • Avoid constipation.
  • Don’t strain when using your bowels or emptying your bladder.
  • If you have hay fever, asthma or bronchitis see your doctor. Your doctor may help to ease sneezing and coughing.
  • Keep your weight within the right range for your height and age.




  • 「コツ」を忘れない。つまり、骨盤底筋を構えた状態で咳、くしゃみ、何かを持ち上げる。
  • 重い物を持ち上げるときは、他の人といっしょに行う。
  • 毎日果物を2種類、野菜を5種類食べる。
  • 医師からの特別な指示がないかぎり、1日に1.5〜2リットルの水分をとる。
  • 便秘にならないようにする。
  • 排便時または排尿時にいきまない。
  • 花粉症、喘息、または気管支炎になったら、医師の診察を受ける。医師は、くしゃみや咳を緩和することができます。
  • ご自分の身長と年齢に合った体重を保つ。

Seek help

You are not alone. Poor bladder and bowel control can be cured or better managed with the right treatment. If you do nothing, it might get worse.

Phone expert advisors on the National Continence Helpline for free:

  • advice;
  • resources; and
  • information about local services

1800 33 00 66 *

(8am - 8pm Monday to Friday AEST)

* Calls from mobile telephones are charged at applicable rates.

To arrange for an interpreter through the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS), phone 13 14 50 Monday to Friday and ask for the National Continence Helpline. Information in other languages is also available from

For more information:


* Calls from mobiles are charged at applicable rates.



National Continence Help Line(全国失禁ヘルプライン)に電話すれば、無料で専門家による以下のアドバイスが受けられます。

  • アドバイス
  • 資料、および
  • 地元のサービスに関する情報

1800 33 00 66 *

(8am - 8pm 月曜〜金曜、東部標準時間)

電話通訳サービス(TIS)を通じて通訳を手配するには、月曜日から金曜日の間に13 14 50にお電話し、National Continence Help Lineに電話してもらってください。その他の言語での情報は、から入手できます。



* 携帯電話からの電話には、通常の携帯料金が課されます。


Last Updated: Fri 30, Jul 2021
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020